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We offer different levels of personalization to suit your needs & budgets.

I - D I X I T




  1. We centralize all your reviews in a customer-friendly platform

  2. We provide 4 possible answers in the language of the reviewer. You pick one and you add the final touch 

  3. You get 5 made to measure answers per month for those reviews you struggle most with 

  4. We provide you with additional access to our expert redactor team upon request​



We share the work !

  1. We centralize all your reviews in a customer-friendly platform

  2. You decide which reviews are answered by our experts or by you with a little help from our technology® 😊

  3. You have access to our expert redactor team upon request for extra help


Let us handle everything

  1. We centralize your reviews in a customer-friendly platform

  2. We provide 100% redactor-personalized answers in the language of the reviewer, to all your reviews

  3. You are 100% free to work on other things !

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